Cut Through The Rubbish Self-Help Promises You Have Been Spoonfed and Unleash Your Authentic Self, Smash Through Your Inner Blocks and Release the Raw Power of Your Subconscious Mind
practical guide to achieving true, long-lasting Personal Transformation.
It will show you HOW to reach DEEP inside your
at a level you never knew existed.
What's up, this is Julien,
If you know me personally - you know I'm all about standards.
That's why I've spent the last 2 years METICULOUSLY PERFECTING a new way of teaching self-development, transformation, and empowerment.
But more on that later...
See, there are THOUSANDS of self-proclaimed gurus and books that teach "self-actualization", but the truth is:
None of them explain the PRACTICAL STEPS of
HOW to get there.
And even more importantly…
None of them LIVE IT.
You are about to go on a journey with me…
This is a TRUE STORY - no media slant, no sugar-coating for YouTube, no nonsense...
Only real, raw, uncensored lessons for you to learn from.
So let's start with everyone's favorite topic…
It still feels ridiculously surreal to write this, but the media scandal I went through back in 2014 was a AWFUL NIGHTMARE - A whirlwind of paranoia, death threats, protests, government bans, and all out HATRED.
The roller coaster of emotions I went through and the dark thoughts I had were INTENSE.
I would think to myself…
"How did I get here?"
I "knew" I was a good person… or at least I "thought" I was a good person...
So I went into deep introspection.
I questioned EVERYTHING… my teachings, my career, my existence.
I thought about what impact I wanted to have on the world…
I sought out advisors, read books, meditated, explored ideas, and I slowly uncovered some deep-rooted issues.
I Realized I Had Been Thriving off a
Here's the deal…
When I started on my self development journey, I thought relationships would make me happy.
So that is what I did - I went ALL OUT.
I got so good at relationships and teaching my clients to do the same - I became considered one of the BEST IN THE WORLD
And my ego soared to astronomical heights.
I travelled the world meeting the best people, absorbed constant validation from packed seminar rooms, made piles of cash, and did and said whatever I wanted.
But over time, a strange thing happened...
As I got more famous, more cash, more validation…
I realized something…
All of these external things didn't make me FEEL the way I thought they would make me feel.
I thought I would be happy and at ease 24/7 after I "made it", but an inner voice kept telling me…
"You're Still a Failure"
I would argue with this voice, I would point to the tangibles…
The bank account... the friends with millions of Instagram followers... the room of hundreds of guys cheering my name…
"Don't you see inner voice? They love me!"
I have it all now - the money, the relationships, celebrity status… So...
So I pushed HARDER...
Maybe cooler people will make me happy?
Maybe more casual relationships?
Maybe if I shock my fans EVEN MORE?
… and that brings us back to that media scandal, to the bursting of the bubble that was MY LIFE.
"In the blink of an eye...
- I lost it all."
The validation turned to hate, "friends" disowned me, my bank account was wiped out and I got grossly fatter than I was from stress-eating.
But it was at that moment - of losing everything - that i found everything - As cliche as that sounds...
And it was during that scandal, that I then started the first steps on what would become an INSANE amount of DEEP INNER WORK.
I was on a journey to discover how I could possibly bounce back from this "knockout blow", and why my success prior to the scandal never made me feel fulfilled.
I unearthed every hard-written childhood trauma, bullshit egoic belief, and strip-mined my subconscious, leaving nothing but the TRUTH.
I meditated and went deep into my subconscious and got back to the core of who I was.
I had fallen so far... and I needed to figure out WHY.
And I slowly put the pieces together and made a discovery
The same reason for my success was the same reason it didn't make me happy, and the same reason I so easily lost it all.
I Was Chasing My Goals From a Place of Scarcity
I was stuck on a path of ego-gratification and massive reaction, and it took me losing everything to realize it.
I was stuck in a paradigm of scarcity, and I was using the money, the relationships, and the fame as a means of RUNNING AWAY.
The truth is, the entire time - I never left like I was enough.
I would start with:
"You suck, you are worthless, you are a failure"
And I would go out into the world and try to use the money, the relationships, and the success to TRICK MYSELF into believing that I didn't suck.
Every action I took was actually taking me FURTHER AWAY FROM HAPPINESS, and as soon as I realized it - I HAD TO STOP.
And with that realization - I went to work.
I decided to find a way to DROP THE SCARCITY PARADIGM, and come at life from a new angle - an angle of ABUNDANCE.
With every new discovery, through my new-found
methods, releases, meditations, and trainings
I Started to Transform… FAST:
My friends started to say things like:
"There's something different about you"
New opportunities started to fly open, authors, entrepreneurs, and business leaders started reaching out to me for my insights...
The more I explored, the more I kept getting pulled towards these concepts.
I couldn't deny it any longer, I dove in HEAD-FIRST, and every new discovery I made sparked a MAMMOTH POSITIVE CHANGE, and here's where I ended up:
I stopped holding myself back.
I stopped shooting myself in the foot at every opportunity - instead of reverting back to my scarcity paradigm, I found myself not climbing, but FLOATING towards the paradigm of abundance and success. - CRUSHED COPING
I took that voice inside my head and I CRUSHED IT INTO DUST.
I SHUT IT DOWN, and for the first time ever, I found myself TRULY THRIVING. - STOOD AT THE CAUSE
I found myself standing at the steering wheel of my own life.
It wasn't scary, it wasn't overwhelming… it just felt right.
Suddenly, my destiny was right there in front of me - and every single step I took brought me closer and closer. - STOPPED LIVING IN REACTION
I washed away the external pressure pushed upon me, I was no longer a slave to the non-stop assault of social conditioning.
I broke loose of the chains that made me miserable, and for the first time in my life, I finally felt free. - DEVELOPED A "THIRD EYE"
I developed a "third eye" and started to see people for who they truly are.
it is RARE to find someone with this power, when you cultivate it people immediately resonate with you and open up.
With time, I was able to synergize the new transformational ideas I had learned with my own unique strategies to create a POWERFUL, PRACTICAL, and LIFE-CHANGING program.
By Julien Blanc
Over 33 videos of HIGH QUALITY CONTENT
...going DEEP into self-actualization, the subconscious mind,
and true transformation within.
Not to mention,
After this, there is NO GOING BACK
It's time for you to become the person you were meant to be,
and live a life of your own design.
Transformation Mastery is A CUTTING-EDGE CURRICULUM Designed to Make You
Happy, Fit, Healthy, and Get You More Love, Sex and Success than Ever Before.
Transformation Mastery is the FIRST EVER step-by-step guide to pulling yourself out
of the black hole of self-doubt, and reaching a PERMANENT TRANSFORMATION WITHIN.
Transformation Mastery is a LETHALLY EFFECTIVE DOSE
of personal change STRAIGHT TO YOUR HEART!
...anytime, anywhere, at your own pace, right from your computer.
The Core Concepts Inside TRANSFORMATION
With each section, we are going to go deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole of the subconscious, uncovering hidden truths and new meanings that have long been suppressed.
We are going to be waking you up from the nonsense, internalizing a NEW PARADIGM,
and exploring deep into your subconscious in order to make this a
PERMANENT CHANGE that will last with you for the REST OF YOUR LIFE.
It took me ALMOST A DECADE to internalize everything I'm teaching you at this point. From the moment I realized that I HAD TO DO SOMETHING, until now - the goal was to bring you something that would really CHANGE YOUR LIFE.
Not just another "product"
Not just another "piece of content"
Not just another "false hope"
But something real, something lasting, something that you can look back on as a CRITICAL TURNING POINT in your life.
That's why I added the 6-Month Transformation Series.
Within The 6-Month Transformation Series, you will be getting access to literally EVERYTHING you need. I will break down EVERY SINGLE MAJOR TRANSFORMATION I had along my journey, IN THE ORDER I HAD THEM!
You won't have to waste time figuring it out on your own - I've already done it for you!
Check it out...
Each Month of the Transformation Series Includes:
1 Piece of Life-Changing
Transformational Content
Inside The Transformation Series we have taken the concepts inside Transformation Mastery and we have EXPANDED THEM.
That means EVERY MONTH, you will receive a brand-new level of transformational content.
Every month tackles a MAJOR topic, so this isn't just a small step in the right direction,
Every month, you will make progress, and you will get closer and closer and closer to that feeling of bliss.
You will wake up, and you will realize:
"I am happier today than I've ever been…"
1 Piece of Reality-Altering Transformational Infield
Within EVERY MONTH of the Transformation Series,
You will get access to a BRAND NEW Piece of Ground-Breaking Transformational Infield
This takes every single concept that you are learning in Transformation Mastery, and it SUPERCHARGES IT
Drool in anticipation as the Transformation unfolds right before your eyes and uncover the hidden keys that make TRUE, LONG-LASTING TRANSFORMATION possible FOR YOU.
By seeing it ACTUALLY HAPPEN you will discover a new level to existence, a fresh perspective on reality itself, and a new-found power and desire to experience the change for yourself.
Not only that, but most importantly - you will have the framework to ACTUALLY DO IT
1 Transformation Mastery Live Teleconference
There's nothing like getting the information right from the source
- it brings clarity and a certain sense of comfort
knowing that what you are getting is unfiltered, with
ZERO "Lost in Translation" moments.
You will be able to ask ANY QUESTIONS YOU HAVE,
and have them answered for you LIVE,
There really isn't anything quite as powerful as having me right there at your fingertips.
Whether you need to clear away any confusion on a topic, or go above-and-beyond
on a specific paradigm, the Transformation Mastery Live Teleconferences included
in the 6-month Transformation Series are for YOU.
1 Guided Live Release
Let me take you by the hand and walk you down the path to serenity.
The Guided Live Releases inside the Transformation Mastery Series are designed specifically to FREE YOU from the stresses of modern life.
Every month, I will walk you through a Guided Live Release - you will be able to release together with me and the group in a peaceful, safe, and welcoming way.
Watch your stress and worry MELT AWAY as you step down the path of peace and alignment.
CLEAR YOUR MIND of distractions and limiting thoughts, move towards abundance, and find yourself achieving new levels of success in your personal, social, and business life.
Let go, break free, and discover a newfound sense of peace and purpose.
I am 100% confident that The Transformation Series
will push you ABOVE and BEYOND your previous level of capability, Here's what I put inside FOR YOU...
Month 1 Transformation:
Apathy & Self-Hate
In the First Installment of the Transformation Series, we are going to dive into Apathy & Self- Hate.
I will tell you EXACTLY how to BREAK OUT of the state of apathy and ELIMINATE any self-attack. Take the first critical step to moving away from low-levels of energy that are holding you back, and put yourself on a path of progress.
From there, take the forward-progress that you are already making and MAXIMIZE IT - get rid of any self-hate and start living a life of happiness, joy, and abundance.
Month 2 Transformation:
Guilt & Self-Sabotage
In the Second Installment of the Transformation Series, we are going to take Guilt and Self-Sabotage, and we are going to CRUSH IT INTO DUST.
Pinpoint the triggers for guilt, and why they make you feel as though you are "never enough" no matter what you accomplish externally.
Unlock the seeds of self-sabotage that are rooted deep in your past, but are still having a powerful effect on your life to this day.
Within this Second Transformation, we will unchain you, and we will SET YOU FREE.
Month 3 Transformation:
Fear & Self-Trust
In the Third Installment of the Transformation Series, we will look fear IN THE FACE and establish a ROCK-SOLID sense of SELF-TRUST.
You may not realize it, but every single day - Fear and Anxiety eat away at your very core. This affects your results in every area of your life - from your relationship with yourself, to your relationship with others, to your relationship with THE UNIVERSE.
In the Third Installment, we will wash away the fear and lay a new foundation for long-lasting self-trust. This will be the cornerstone of your existence until your very death - a powerful sense of alignment, purpose, and destiny will follow you with every step.
Month 4 Transformation:
Purpose & Procrastination
In the Fourth Installment of the Transformation Series, we will LOCK IN YOUR PURPOSE, and PULVERIZE PROCRASTINATION.
Understand what causes procrastination, and why you have been procrastinating WITHOUT EVEN REALIZING IT. We are going to take that paradigm and FLIP IT ON IT'S HEAD! From now on, the same energy that used to fuel your procrastination will now FUEL YOUR PURPOSE!
We will set your purpose CRYSTAL CLEAR in front of you, and you will use it as a compass to guide you every step of the way. From now, every step you take will feel EFFORTLESS and come from a place of POWER and CERTAINTY.
Month 5 Transformation:
Approval & Validation
In the Fifth Installment of the Transformation Series, we are going to tackle APPROVAL and VALIDATION HEAD-ON!
Understand why seeing approval has led you down the wrong path, and what you need to do IMMEDIATELY before you continue WASTING YOUR PRECIOUS LIFE.
Uncover the drivers of validation, and why you've been looking for happiness in all the wrong places, what to do about it… but not only that - how to make validation WORK FOR YOU, creating a MAGNETIC CURRENT OF POSITIVITY that FUELS YOU and YOUR GOALS!!
Month 6 Transformation:
Self-Acceptance & Self-Love
In the Sixth Installment of the Transformation Series, we will lock you into a permanent state of Self-Acceptance and Self-Love.
You will no longer have to experience the crazy "ups and downs" of life, but instead will feel yourself riding steadily along the wind of positive experience after positive experience.
With Self-Acceptance, you will wake up in the morning with a sense of PURPOSE, because your "ideal self" and your "real self" are the SAME THING!
With Self-Love, you will look at yourself in the mirror and you will SMILE, because every single thing you do will FEEL GOOD, and it the energy you spend will come back to you every time - no more feeling frustrated, drained, or exhausted. With Self-Love, you will find a new fountain of energy, and re-align with your childhood dreams to FINALLY MAKE THEM A REALITY!
The Book Club Series
Now, because I really want to push Transformation Mastery
For the FIRST 3 MONTHS of Transformation Mastery,
You will get access to My EXCLUSIVE Book Club Series.
Now, you might be thinking:
"A book review? Really?"
And here is why:
When you read a book yourself, you are getting ONE ANGLE on the concepts and principles inside the book - you are getting YOUR ANGLE.
The REAL REASON why these Book Club Reviews are SO POWERFUL is because you will have a rare opportunity to hit on those same principles and concepts from a NEW ANGLE.
Often, you will find that this angle is so unique, so different,
it hits exactly where YOU HAVE A BLIND SPOT.
That's the scary thing with blind spots -
you never know where they are until you actually find them!
On top of that,
The Book Club Reviews inside the Transformation Series are in Q & A Format -
This means you can watch me break them down LIVE, ask questions,
and gain a profound understanding of the levels of transformation that are at play.
I put my HEART and SOUL into assembling this program, because I know how much of IMPACT it can do to your HEALTH, your WELL-BEING, and your HAPPINESS.
A moment like this only comes along ONCE IN A LIFETIME.
I CANNOT guarantee is how long the bonuses will be up for...
A wise man once said, "Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow."
The bonuses are just an icing on the cake ;)
But once again, they won't be up for long, so

Transformation Mastery Secret
Facebook Group
Now, Transformation Mastery isn't just about the content, or the videos, or the live releases, or the insane amount of other good stuff inside…
At it's heart, at it's core, Transformation Mastery is ABOUT THE PEOPLE.
That's why we created a PRIVATE GROUP, EXCLUSIVE for Transformation Mastery Members.
There is nothing else out there like this, period.
You can share your own transformation(s), watch others transform, and take part in behind-the-scenes content that is available ONLY TO THE GROUP.
This group will be filled with CONSTANT INTERACTION in a HIGH-LEVEL, PRIVATE ENVIRONMENT dedicated specifically to YOU and YOUR TRANSFORMATION.

Total Value: $11,070
Standard $297 |
Transformation Mastery Content |
Transformation Mastery Guided Releases |
Transformational Infield Footage |
Transformation Mastery Facebook Community |
Bonus #1: Julien Blanc's Step-By-Step Guide To Surviving A Life Crisis And Coming Out Stronger |
Bonus #2: Exclusive LIVE Guided Release: How To Let Go Of Social Anxiety |
Bonus #3: The Mentor Manifesto |

Transform $497 |
Transformation Mastery Content |
Transformation Mastery Guided Releases |
Transformational Infield Footage |
Transformation Mastery Facebook Community |
Bonus #1: Julien Blanc's Step-By-Step Guide To Surviving A Life Crisis And Coming Out Stronger |
Bonus #2: Exclusive LIVE Guided Release: How To Let Go Of Social Anxiety |
Bonus #3: The Mentor Manifesto |
The Book Club Series 3-Months of Exclusive Book Club Reviews with Q & A |
First 3-Months of The Transformation Series FIRST 3 Months of Expanded TM Concept Deep-Dives FIRST 3 Transformation Mastery Live Teleconferences FIRST 3 Live Guided Releases |

Recommended |
Transcend $597 |
Transformation Mastery Content |
Transformation Mastery Guided Releases |
Transformational Infield Footage |
Transformation Mastery Facebook Community |
Bonus #1: Julien Blanc's Step-By-Step Guide To Surviving A Life Crisis And Coming Out Stronger |
Bonus #2: Exclusive LIVE Guided Release: How To Let Go Of Social Anxiety |
Bonus #3: The Mentor Manifesto |
The Book Club Series 3-Months of Exclusive Book Club Reviews with Q & A |
All 6-Months of ALL 6 Months of Expanded TM Concept Deep-Dives ALL 6 Transformation Mastery Live Teleconferences ALL 6 Live Guided Releases |

For your security, all orders are processed on a secure server.
Is LOADED With Some of the Most EPIC Transformational Content,
But Not Only That, it ALSO Comes with Some SICK BONUSES
That Aren't Available ANYWHERE ELSE!
Bonus 1:
Julien Blanc's Step-By-Step Guide To Surviving A Life Crisis And Coming Out Stronger
You could say I have a "smidge" of insight on this…
Coming to me for crisis management is like going to Hendrix to learn the guitar - you're going to have a good time.
With this guide at your fingertips, you will know EXACTLY WHAT TO DO when you have a life crisis. When everything is falling apart and you feel lost - this guide will be your saving grace.
The mechanisms and strategies inside will rewire your subconscious mind to AUTOMATICALLY TAKE ACTION in case of a crisis, and not just any action, but the right action.
Bonus 2:
Exclusive LIVE Guided Release:
How To Let Go of Social Anxiety
For this LIVE event, the global Transformation Mastery Community is going to unite online and experience a guided release created with one specific purpose:
You will be able to experience this release from anywhere in the world. We are going to dial you in, ramp you up, and unplug you from ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD.
You will be able to ask any questions that you have, and get ultra-valuable LIVE FEEDBACK that will fuel your personal growth.
This engagement with the tribe will raise your energy and spark your drive to go deeper!
With this many people shifting their consciousness around the world at one time, we might just break time itself!
Bonus 3:
The Mentor Manifesto
This Bonus will push your learning curve OVER THE TOP.
Inside The Mentor Manifesto, I will show you exactly WHY you need a mentor, and HOW to get one.
Lay a path for your future and establish a crystal-clear vision for how to get what you want. On top of that, SEE IT DONE - this will establish a sense of possibility for anything that you may want in life.
Whether you want to improve your relationships…
Or achieve more success in business…
Or reach a new level of self-development…
The Mentor Manifesto will help you get there.
Here's what my clients have to say about this:
Now, let me ask you this:
- Would you like to discover the root causes of your fears and SHATTER them completely?
- Would you like to MASTER how to communicate with others without having to put up a fake front?
- Would you like to dissolve your ego once and for all?
If so, it's simple and straightforward.
Scroll down below and click the "Buy Now" button.
Before you know it, you will be well on your way to a transformational experience that is GUARANTEED to leave an eternal impact on your life.
Unfortunately, if you don't take action now… if you don't hold yourself accountable to your own dreams… I can't do it for you.
Truth is, if you really, truly want to WIN, you have to do something about it.
Are you going to let your life pass you by, while you sit around and TALK about what you could have, or should have done?
Or are you going to take that first step in the right direction?
The choice is yours.
The power is in YOUR HANDS.
Don't cheat yourself out of happiness.
Don't settle for mediocrity.
This is your moment - RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW.
There is a REASON why you are reading this… everything happens for a REASON.
I have put my life and my heart into this program.
Transformation Mastery is a MASTERPIECE, and it's right here, right now, right in front of you.
So the only question left is:
Are You Ready to Transform?
Transformation Mastery is LOADED
Transformation Mastery Content | $1,997 |
Transformation Mastery Guided Releases | $1,497 |
Transformational Infield Footage | $997 |
Transformation Mastery Facebook Community | $497 |
6 Months of the Transformation Series | $2,997 |
3 Months of the Book Club Series | $497 |
Bonus #1: Julien Blanc's Step-By-Step Guide To Surviving A Life Crisis And Coming Out Stronger |
$697 |
Bonus #2: Exclusive LIVE Guided Release: How To Let Go Of Social Anxiety |
$497 |
Bonus #3: The Mentor Manifesto |
$997 |
Bonus #4: Top Secret Lessons From The "Dating World" That Apply To Anyone In Life! |
$397 |
TOTAL | $11,070 |

Total Value: $11,070
Standard $297 |
Transformation Mastery Content |
Transformation Mastery Guided Releases |
Transformational Infield Footage |
Transformation Mastery Facebook Community |
Bonus #1: Julien Blanc's Step-By-Step Guide To Surviving A Life Crisis And Coming Out Stronger |
Bonus #2: Exclusive LIVE Guided Release: How To Let Go Of Social Anxiety |
Bonus #3: The Mentor Manifesto |

Transform $497 |
Transformation Mastery Content |
Transformation Mastery Guided Releases |
Transformational Infield Footage |
Transformation Mastery Facebook Community |
Bonus #1: Julien Blanc's Step-By-Step Guide To Surviving A Life Crisis And Coming Out Stronger |
Bonus #2: Exclusive LIVE Guided Release: How To Let Go Of Social Anxiety |
Bonus #3: The Mentor Manifesto |
The Book Club Series 3-Months of Exclusive Book Club Reviews with Q & A |
First 3-Months of The Transformation Series FIRST 3 Months of Expanded TM Concept Deep-Dives FIRST 3 Transformation Mastery Live Teleconferences FIRST 3 Live Guided Releases |

Recommended |
Transcend $597 |
Transformation Mastery Content |
Transformation Mastery Guided Releases |
Transformational Infield Footage |
Transformation Mastery Facebook Community |
Bonus #1: Julien Blanc's Step-By-Step Guide To Surviving A Life Crisis And Coming Out Stronger |
Bonus #2: Exclusive LIVE Guided Release: How To Let Go Of Social Anxiety |
Bonus #3: The Mentor Manifesto |
The Book Club Series 3-Months of Exclusive Book Club Reviews with Q & A |
All 6-Months of ALL 6 Months of Expanded TM Concept Deep-Dives ALL 6 Transformation Mastery Live Teleconferences ALL 6 Live Guided Releases |

For your security, all orders are processed on a secure server.
We Are So Confident That Transformation Mastery Will Transform Your Life That We'll Shoulder All The Risk Involved…
You Get A Complete,
No BS, 100% Money Back Guarantee

Here's the deal,
I poured my heart and soul into this course and the results of my students speak for themselves.
Transformation Mastery is so powerful, and so life transforming that I am 100% sure you are going to love it.
Try the course for yourself, do the drills, join the Transformation Mastery Facebook Group and get feedback from me personally.
I am giving a you a full 30-day money back guarantee.
All you have to do is notify HQ within 30 days of your purchase, and I will give you a refund - no questions asked.
We believe that this training is so amazing, so powerful, and so life-changing…
We're willing to GUARANTEE your results.
If you are not satisfied, just call us at +1 213-785-7895 or send us an email support@julienhimself.com within 30 days of your purchase, and we will refund you ASAP.
With this guarantee, there is ZERO DOWNSIDE.
If you aren't completely satisfied with your own personal copy of Transformation Mastery, you can get every one of your hard earned dollars back. It's that simple, A FULL REFUND.
No catches. No nonsense. I only ask one thing…
Go through the ENTIRE program.
If you put the effort in, you WILL see every area of your life start to TAKE OFF.
- You will gain more influence and certainty.
- Your new "VIBE" will attract women wherever you go.
- Your confidence at work will skyrocket.
- You will start making the correct health and fitness decisions out of HABIT.
But if you don't agree, just let customer service know within 30 Days and I'll be happy to issue a refund.
This small investment in your self development is going to keep paying off for YEARS to come. It will set you up for the life you always dreamed of.
When is the last time you invested in YOURSELF? When you really laid some money down to make a change?
It is easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind and just "get-by" - never improving, staying stagnant, and doing to same things over and over WISHING things would change for the better.
We buy concert tickets, clothes, cars, new phones, and never INVEST in the one thing that can pay the LARGEST DIVIDENDS… OURSELVES.
Transformation Mastery is your chance to knock yourself out of that rut, and start on a NEW path, a PROVEN path that will end in RESULTS
If (WHEN) you love the program, you're going to be PSYCHED that you made the right choice.
I get emails every day from people who've had their lives changed by these trainings and toolkit.
They're enjoying success they never thought possible.
Get on board so you can TRANSFORM too… with this guarantee, honestly, what do you have to lose?
This product is for you if...
If you put the effort in, you WILL see every area of your life start to TAKE OFF.
- You feel Like You are NOT ENOUGH and WANT TO CHANGE
- You are SICK and TIRED of Not Feeling Fulfilled Despite Having External Success.
- You are looking to FIND YOUR PURPOSE in Life
- You are seeking TRUE HAPPINESS.
- You want to Live a HEALTHIER LIFESTYLE
- You want to UNDERSTAND the Key to REAL ABUNDANCE
The list goes on…
If this resonates with you, welcome aboard to a journey that not many individuals know about.
Here is a sneak peek of what
Wipe Away self-doubt, self-attack, and self-sabotage. |
Unleash your authentic self and magnetically attract EXACTLY what you want. |
Obliterate the Paradigm of Scarcity and BREAK FREE of all limitations. |
Wash Away the illusion of "everything is ok" when you KNOW that something is missing. |
Eradicate the voice inside your head that tells you "I'm not good enough". |
Celebrate the paradigm of ABUNDANCE and finally be accepted for who you really are. |
Melt Away the unnecessary noise around you and find a new sense of presence and clarity. |
Generate an irresistible vibe that will make everyone around you wonder how you're doing it! |
Discover the REAL REASON you haven't reached your goals, and what to do about it. |
Crush the anxiety you have about the past, future, or present. |
Cement a new reality of SUCCESS, ABUNDANCE, and PROSPERITY. |
Erase the subconscious resistance you have towards your destiny and your purpose. |
Obtain bullet-proof self-confidence, self-trust, and courage. |
Clean Away the self-delusion that has hypnotized you into a life of mediocrity. |
Create long-lasting relationships with anyone you desire. |
Embrace your TRUE SELF and look yourself in the eye with conviction. |
Establish yourself at the CAUSE of your life, not at the effect of the world around you. |
Develop a NATURAL ALIGNMENT between your thoughts, words, and actions. |
Learn To deal with negativity, flip it on it's head, and turn it into a source of energy. |
Solidify yourself at the throne of your own reality, and TAKE BACK CONTROL! |
Become a pillar of strength for yourself, and for those around you. |
...and MUCH, MUCH MORE! |
That being said,
Let me tell you who this product
is NOT FOR...
- If you are SATISFIED with what you have right now...
- If you enjoy living in MEDIOCRITY...
- If you are okay with being VICTIM of the world
- If you like to live in REACTION to your surroundings
- If you like to SUPPRESS your feelings around others
I'd rather not continue because
I know this is not YOU… "RIGHT?"
Julien Blanc,
PS: I completely understand that learning is definitely not easy when you have no direction whatsoever.
Transformation Mastery is truly my "masterpiece".
I've poured my heart and soul into making the easiest and best Self-Development product on the market for ANYONE at ANY LEVEL.
PPS: Click on the buttons below, and I'll see you on the inside

Total Value: $11,070
Standard $297 |
Transformation Mastery Content |
Transformation Mastery Guided Releases |
Transformational Infield Footage |
Transformation Mastery Facebook Community |
Bonus #1: Julien Blanc's Step-By-Step Guide To Surviving A Life Crisis And Coming Out Stronger |
Bonus #2: Exclusive LIVE Guided Release: How To Let Go Of Social Anxiety |
Bonus #3: The Mentor Manifesto |

Transform $497 |
Transformation Mastery Content |
Transformation Mastery Guided Releases |
Transformational Infield Footage |
Transformation Mastery Facebook Community |
Bonus #1: Julien Blanc's Step-By-Step Guide To Surviving A Life Crisis And Coming Out Stronger |
Bonus #2: Exclusive LIVE Guided Release: How To Let Go Of Social Anxiety |
Bonus #3: The Mentor Manifesto |
The Book Club Series 3-Months of Exclusive Book Club Reviews with Q & A |
First 3-Months of The Transformation Series FIRST 3 Months of Expanded TM Concept Deep-Dives FIRST 3 Transformation Mastery Live Teleconferences FIRST 3 Live Guided Releases |

Recommended |
Transcend $597 |
Transformation Mastery Content |
Transformation Mastery Guided Releases |
Transformational Infield Footage |
Transformation Mastery Facebook Community |
Bonus #1: Julien Blanc's Step-By-Step Guide To Surviving A Life Crisis And Coming Out Stronger |
Bonus #2: Exclusive LIVE Guided Release: How To Let Go Of Social Anxiety |
Bonus #3: The Mentor Manifesto |
The Book Club Series 3-Months of Exclusive Book Club Reviews with Q & A |
All 6-Months of ALL 6 Months of Expanded TM Concept Deep-Dives ALL 6 Transformation Mastery Live Teleconferences ALL 6 Live Guided Releases |

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